Be More You

What if you celebrated your strengths and stopped attending so much to your limitations.

Stoped looking outside of yourself for the answers.

And instead, looked within.

Stopped looking at all the places you need to be different and better and instead started appreciating all the ways in which you are strong and amazing.

And worked to strengthen those even more.

Coaching and this yoga class are opportunities to strengthen your strengths rather than arguing for and fixing limitations.

When you learn to stop thinking of yourself as a problem that needs to be solved, and instead, start connecting with where you shine and the "you" you want to share with the world, it’s a more fun, peaceful and intentional life.

I have personally deepened my commitment to stop discounting my own strengths.

And deepened my commitment to celebrating what's easy for me and what I am talented at.

I have deepened my commitment to step even further away from the "perpetual struggle" to do more, be more, and to be "better."

When I slow down, shine, share my best gifts, and enjoy the journey a bit more, I and everyone else benefits.

Would you like to do the same?

How awesome would it be if we all started showing up as the best, most shining version of ourselves, with our strengths strengthened, and shared proudly?

Our weaknesses and limitations still present, part of our unique humanity but not the focus of attention.


What Would a Tree Do?


Vacation “Well”