Vacation “Well”


Great family vacations don’t just happen.

They take attention, intention, and choice.


Useful vacation intentions: love, connection, and curiosity.

Choose to do "what love would do" whenever possible.

Choose to let go of not helpful “trouble-maker” thoughts when they pop up.

Choose to go right back to enjoying the moment in the moment.

Choose an abundant mindset.

Pay attention to what is great, fabulous, and amazing instead of

what is not, what needs fixing or what is missing.

Intentionally take time by yourself to be mindful and to pause and be present.

Intentionally pay attention to the beauty of the small things - a tree, the breeze, the light, a flower, the warmth of the sun, the view, someone’s laugh.

Intentionally take breaks to sit and BE.

Focus on doing less and being and enjoying more.


Notice how you feel and pause right there.

In the pause is where your power, control, and joy are.


Choose not to worry about others.

Choose not to try to make everyone else happy.

Not out of a lack of care or being selfish.

But because you care.


Focus your attention on what would make you happy and fill your cup.

And give others the chance to do the same.

Instead of waiting for others to anticipate your wants or agree on a plan, or even making one that you think they would like,

plan what you want and ask for what you want.

And detach from the outcome.

In the space this creates,

the more older children are likely to join you for family adventures than ever before.

Allow everyone to be themselves.

Exactly as they are.

And appreciate that -on purpose.

When your brain goes back to its old habits of judging and wanting to respond or be snarky, chose to turn it off.

And get back to curiosity and enjoying.

More calm, peace, connection, love, and joy await you and everyone in your world - on vacation and and not.


Be More You


Peace Begins With You