What’s in your control?

Almost all of us want to control, manage, schedule, and organize — whatever we can. We think being in control makes us safe.

It feels good to be in control.

When things feel out of our control,

we feel helpless, uncertain, and frustrated.

And we want those feelings to go away.

So we try to control whatever we can.

When we are busy trying to control and fix things, we miss that trying to control things is emotionally expensive.

Especially when we try to control things outside our control.

Trying to control things out of our control actually makes us feel even more out of control. It leads to anxiety, overwhelm, irritability and frustration.

What can you do to feel better when things are out of your control?

Pause and be present


Accept and allow - which doesn’t mean liking, loving, or condoning.

And then, ask yourself-

What’s in your control?

And focus on that.

SO often the answer feels like “nothing.” But that’s not true.

What’s in your control is:

  • What you do.

  • What you say.

  • What you think and feel about it


  • The tone in which you do all of these

Doing this in reality is an art and a skill. One that can be learned.

When you let go of trying to change and control things outside your control, you gain time, energy, and life back.

If you want to learn how reach out.

It changed my life.


Loving Amusement


Validation is for Parking