Validation is for Parking

Validation is for parking and approval is for credit cards.

What would change is you stopped disapproving of yourself and stopped looking outside yourself for validation.

Don't leave the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket.


“Your light does not come from your successes.

Your light is not ignited by perfection, achievement, or body shape. 

Your light is not fueled by popularity or acceptance.

Neither is your light at any risk of being put out, when other lights around you, are bright.

Your light is simply made of the you-ness that makes you you,

the worries you have in the night, the music which sparks your joy, the books you had to read twice,

the memories stored safely in your heart,

the people you love and the people who love you.

Your light is never dependent on how you look, or how you perform.

It’s just there, and it’s quite simply brilliant, and it’s all yours.

And it lights up every room you walk into, whether you activate it or not.

What a wonderful thing." - Donna Ashworth, from I Wish I Knew


Coaching helped me become aware of my lifelong habit of not approving of myself, my body, or my decisions. I was always second-guessing, wondering if I had chosen the right, very best choice….

Approving of yourself is not complacent. It’s not a pass.

It’s a gift. When you approve of yourself, improving yourself is no longer a fix-it project. Instead, it becomes growth, fun, and an inspired project.

Try out approving of yourself. Magical things just might happen.

If it feels like a struggle, reach out. Coaching helps you get there.


What’s in your control?


Who I Needed to Become