What’s the Secret?

I often get asked how I made such a graceful, empowered, and big life change.

What was the secret to getting to “one day”?

How do you get started?

One day at a time.

One deliberate, brave, courageous uncertain step at a time.

No rush. No urgency.

Relaxing in.

Deciding not to be stuck.

Capitalizing on tiny momentum.

And living into that momentum.

Exploring with curiosity what makes you feel alive and what you love.

What you practice grows.

What you stop practicing recedes.

Stop practicing not knowing, being stuck, not trusting yourself, living out of integrity and alignment, and making decisions from fear.

Searching for the hero within helps you become the hero - of your own and others.

Getting aligned help to help you to look around inside and find your path is not a weakness its a strength - it’s brave, strong, and wise.

When you show up in the world aligned, being who you are, and doing what you love it is magnetic, beautiful, impactful, and meaningful.

For you and everyone else.

Some people won’t understand you or your journey. Some people won’t approve. Some people will think you are crazy.

Sometimes these will even be important people in your life.

Keep doing what you are doing with love and integrity anyway.

Love and integrity won’t steer you wrong.

There is no wrong choice made from love and integrity.

Handle your imperfections (and theirs) with grace and humor.

Then loop back to being intentional, at ease, and feeling in control, and get back to imperfectly sharing your vibration and love with integrity, grace, and love.


What is the value of a healthy relationship?


We Need A Balance of Giving and Receiving