When We Pause and are Present Everything Changes Even Without Changing Anything

Pause and presence changes everything 

Without actually changing anything

Pause and presence is the antidote to overwhelm, frustration, anxiety, fear, uncertainty, and stress

Pause and presence is mindfulness

It is noticing and being aware

It is allowing

It is feeling

It is accepting

It is living


It is choosing your own experience and your own adventure


It is noticing the colors of sunrise and sunset.

It is noticing the sound and smell of the rain.

It is noticing the feel of the fog.

It is noticing and enjoying moments with those you love.

Even when they are going as you think they should.

Even when the world surrounding you is uncertain and chaotic.



What if you chose to be truly present for your current reality --whatever it may be?

What if you noticed the full spectrum of the experience?

What if you chose to allow it exactly as it is?

What if you chose to see and experience the “abundance” in the situation?


What if this is exactly how it is supposed to be right now?


When we pause and are present everything changes even without changing anything.


Mindful Presence


What We Have Today is What We Have