What We Have Today is What We Have

We get to choose how we want show up for it.

Every day.

Every moment.

Just as a moment in time is flawed, it can also be viewed as perfect.

Giving up expectations of how others “should” act and respond is not about letting them off the hook, it is about making things better for you.  

Giving up resistance to our current reality-  to covid, to quarantine, to homeschooling, to ADHD, to financial insecurity, to uncertainty, to …..

Accepting does not mean agreeing or condoning.  

You can accept it without liking it.

To save yourself energy.

To improve your own health and life experience.

And so you have energy to be part of the solution and move forward.

“This is what we have today.”

Temper tantrums, Covid, spilled milk, cranky reactive partners and co-parents, homeschooling craziness, teenagers, fog, and everything else.

When we accept it and allow it and are willing to feel the pain, exhaustion, overwhelm, it is a little easier.

When we choose to be learning instead of struggling and accepting instead of resisting, we feel much more ease.

When we choose to connect and be vulnerable with one another rather than to be silent and feeling isolated and alone, our journey is much less bumpy.

Our power is in our mind.

Accepting life exactly as it is is for your own peace of mind.


When We Pause and are Present Everything Changes Even Without Changing Anything


What Would You Like to be Famous For?