Why Coaching is a More Important Personal Investment Than A Plant-Based Diet


A wise mentor asked me why, given all the other demands and limited resources, wellness programs should support coaching. Specifically why not the plant based diet?

My answer: Coaching is the key to doing all the things including a plant-based diet- if that is what you want to fo.

Coaching helps you do anything and everything else you decide you want to do.

Your brain and the thoughts in it are ultimately what allow you and motivate you to take on and sustain transformational life change.

Coaching helps you clarify what changes are truly aligned and authentic for you.

Coaching gives you the tools to successfully move towards them.

It empowers you.

You learn to change your thinking patterns to more helpful ones so you can tap into your strengths.

You learn to write narratives that are motivating and inspiring.

You learn tools to use your physiology to your advantage.

You learn how use your mind to your advantage.

Investing in your brain puts you back in the driver’s seat of your life.

Mindfulness and coaching makes it easy to be someone who chooses to eat only plants.

It also makes it easy to be someone who wants to practice mindfulness and/or yoga.

It makes it easy to be someone who does not eat at sugar- if you decide this is something you want for yourself.

Coaching helps you look at an illness, or your in-basket or to do list with different more neutral “eyes.”

It teaches you that what you see and experience, good or bad, is a product of what you think about your circumstances.

And you get to choose that.

Coaching is not easy work. You have to want to change yourself.

When you do, anything else you decide you want to do becomes possible.


You Don’t Have Time Not To


Being Seen Feels Amazing