An Unnecessary Competition


All doctors are competitive underneath even mindful ones.

I have been having an inner competition with Yoga with Adrienne for a while now.

A very much unnecessary one.

I have told myself it is a mindful competition— that I am using it to inspire rather than beat myself up… wondering now whether this is actually true.

I REALLY have been wanting my mindful yoga to be as popular as hers.

Not because I want external validation (well maybe a little),

but mostly because I want the people who need and want what my classes have to offer to know about them.

I hear that my classes change lives.

Not in an instant and not overnight but over time.

They help people learn to pause and be present, learn to breathe, and shift their perspective. They help people discover self-compassion who have never been able to find it before.

They help rebalance frazzled nervous systems.

And people, especially healthcare workers, find peace in the midst of chaos.

They are good for you and they feel good.


they aren’t nearly as popular as Yoga with Adrienne.

This week, I found out that Adrienne is not only a yoga teacher but also a trained actress.

Of course, her videos are popular.

Of course, her set-up - cameras, lights, etc … is perfect.

Of course, she is ultra-popular.

This served as a reminder of a favorite quote

“One of the biggest wastes of time is comparing yourself to others.” (From the boy the mole the fox and the horse)

It was a nudge to go back to focusing on being me.

That's what I do best.


If you haven’t joined me for Livestream yoga please do. (see reasons above)

If you haven’t subscribed to my Youtube channel, please do. (it will help others find me and my new research taught me that 96% of my regular viewers are NOT subscribed. )

If you are comparing yourself to others, please stop. Its a waste of time.

Follow your own dream,

and if you need help - reach out.

Help helps.

Someone might share something with you that totally shifts your perspective.


I Wish It Was Different


A Bee Is What It Always Was