Wobble Days

Wobbling is normal.

Wobbling is human.

Somedays “should” be great days but they don’t always feel that way. Even if on paper they look great.

Even when you do all the things you wanted and hoped for and that should have felt nourishing, sometimes even then you feel wobbly and unsure.

These days are different from Down Days.

Lighter but with a nervous energetic unsteadiness.

have decided to call them Wobble Days.

Everyone has them.

They are part of being human.

Nothing has gone wrong.

Even and especially when you are on your way to better, or on your way “there” -- you wobble.

Even when you get there you wobble.

Remembering here is there with a T added on. A quote from my favorite yoga reading.

Being human is to wobble.

Just like in yoga, when you accept and allow and even embrace the wobble-- rather than resist you stabilize sooner.

When you remain curious - how interesting I am wobbling again- you topple less often.

If you do topple, hopefully, you are not atop this rock and you can laugh and start again.

When you wobble hands to heart helps to refocus. When you check in with yourself you restabilize.

This week I have felt a few more wobbles- reminding me of the wobbliness of life.

And that hands to heart, and a little laughter are a great remedy.


My Neurodiverse Marriage


"This is a Down Day, and There Will Again Be Up Days."