“Working hard for something we love is called passion.”

“Working hard for something we love is called passion.” —Simon Sinek, Together is Better

It is still work.

It is still hard.

But when you are in alignment, it feels different.

I often get asked, how did I get here?

It started with passion.

Went to Dartmouth and UCSF.

Became a doctor.

Had a baby.

Did a pediatric residency.

Had another baby.

Did a chief residency.

Started working as a pediatrician.

Then I had a life threatening illness and had major surgery.

I went back to work as a pediatrician.

Took on physician wellness leadership.

Had another baby.

Took on more leadership roles.

My husband developed a significant illness.

My marriage struggled.

I opened a new very successful pediatric clinic.

After 17 years, I was a pediatrician, a physician leader, a mom, a wife, and many other things.

I had grown, learned and served.

I had loved and nurtured.

I had saved lives and changed lives.

And I had changed.

It was an incredible journey.

And I was out of alignment.

Disconnected from my passion.

For the most part, I hadn’t take time to pause and be present along the way.

I hadn’t stopped to listen to myself.

I did what I thought I “should” and pressed on.

Something had to change. Because I had changed.

I went back to yoga regularly.

I began working with a coach.

I learned to mindfully manage my mind.

Pausing and being present, creating space, and being intentional with my thoughts brought back my passion.

I chose to became a yoga and mindfulness instructor.

I chose to train as a coach.

To guide and empower others to be able to rediscover their own passion.

When I practiced pausing and being present and to mindfully manage my own mind, amazing things transpired.

I lost 40 pounds.

My marriage healed and thrived.

My parenting and my doctoring were much more easeful and fun.

I was called to start teaching yoga and start coaching others to learn to pause and be present. To listen to themselves.

Out of passion, I started Pause and Presence.

My journey and transformation have only just begun.

So much more to give, share, write, teach....

Many more people struggling and needing support with their own lives, marriages, careers. Wanting to find their passion. Wanting to transform.

I am called to help —with passion.

Transformation, healing, growth, and passion are possible of all of you.

How can you bring back your passion?

If you want help, reach out


“The story I want to tell has a lot less written than the story I am currently telling”

