“The story I want to tell has a lot less written than the story I am currently telling”

A client shared this observation with me on Monday.

Is this true for you too?

In coaching, we take time to look at the stories we tell ourselves. These stories are often long and incredibly detailed.

We unconsciously spend so much time on our interpretations of our past.

Often we are victims and someone who has made mistakes.

Someone to whom life has happened and is happening to. Someone who is stuck.

In coaching, we take time to pause and notice how our stories are impacting our current reality.

And we consider the option of choosing a different story, one that serves you better.

This is “the story you want to tell.”

It is the most important one.

It is the key to being in control of how you want to experience your “one wild and precious life.”

With intention and mindfulness— you can write a new story of your life— just as it is and was. Not changing the facts. Instead, owning them. Owning how these facts and experiences also strengthened you, made you resilient, made you unique, and inspired you.

Your new story tells why and how you are who you are “because of” your experiences not “in spite” of them.

What do you think would change if you spent your energy writing the story you WANT to tell?

What if the story you want to tell were full of as many details as the one you tell now?

And what if those details made you proud and empowered?

This is another blog post about the power of changing your story in relationships in case you missed it.


If you want help changing your story, message me or book a time to chat about coaching. https://PauseandPresenceCoaching.as.me/

Changing your story changes your life.


Be your own “inner ally” instead of “inner enemy”


“Working hard for something we love is called passion.”