Be your own “inner ally” instead of “inner enemy”

Compassion grows when we pause and are present and take a moment to connect to ourselves with kindness. Mindfulness and compassion change our neural connections.

When we honor ourselves we also honor those who have nurtured and supported us along the way.

When you choose to focus on all that you are instead all that you are not—with kindness and curiosity— you plant seeds of presence, compassion, and acceptance.

When you look at a tree, you can see both it’s imperfections and it’s beauty. Maybe it has too many branches on one side, or is bare and straggly in places, but it’s perfectly itself. You can see what’s beautiful in its imperfections. You are like that: perfectly imperfect.

The ocean and it’s mix of calmness and wildness is perfectly imperfect. A child’s toothy smile is perfectly imperfect. The moon with its craters and bumps is perfectly imperfect.

How are you perfectly imperfect?

Take a moment to enjoy your “full” self ... including your craters, bumps, wildness, calmness, and imperfect smile.

Your relationship with yourself is your most important relationship. It impacts all of your other relationships.

Healing yourself and showing up whole is the first step in showing up for others and the world.

Coaching helps you do this.


It's Possible


“The story I want to tell has a lot less written than the story I am currently telling”