Would You Rather…?
"Would You Rather…?" is a fantastic children’s book. It asks playful and thought-provoking questions over and over, inviting kids to choose between two options—sometimes silly, sometimes difficult, but always clarifying.
The purpose?
To help them identify what they truly value when the choice isn’t obvious.
This same principle applies to life and decision-making.
Coaching and mindset work are “Would You Rather…?” in action.
We often hesitate to make decisions, stuck in uncertainty, fear, or the habit of prioritizing others over ourselves. When we ask Would you rather…?, we bring our agency back into focus.
Would your future self rather you…
Speak up or stay silent?
Work full-time or part-time?
People-please or prioritize yourself?
Self-sacrifice and be a martyr or make decisions from a place of caring, integrity, alignment, and peace?
Would you rather forces us to acknowledge that we always have a choice.
Even when we think we’re not choosing, we are.
If we do nothing—stay where we are, remain stuck, or slip into victimhood—that is still a choice. Yet rarely do we consciously say, I would rather stay stuck. I would rather feel powerless.
Here’s the next question:
Would you rather work with a coach and create real change, or continue trying to solve everything on your own?
Your future self and I are waiting for your answer.