Honoring Diastole

“A truly lovely way to decompress with others who understand your journey.

Every minute was thoughtful and valuable”

***scroll down to register for the Nov 1, 2025 private SCVMC ObGyn Honoring Diastole Retreat

Saturday May 10th, 2025

Farm-to-Table lunch, Mindfulness, Coaching, & Reflective Writing

9:30 am - 4:30 pm @ Pie Ranch in Pescadero, California

If you would like us to lead a personalized retreat for your team at Pie Ranch or Nicasio Creek Farm, reach out

For Honoring DIastole, we partner with CMEfy to allow physicians, RNs, Dentists, Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists, and Physician Assistants to access CME credit by reflecting on this experience on CMEfy .

If you are interested in AMA PRA Cat 1 CME accredited Coaching, Yoga, Mindfulness, and Culinary Medicine Retreats, click here.

“It is my mission to help my friends and colleagues who are struggling like I was before I came to this retreat by spreading the word about these retreats everywhere I can”

— Chief Infectious Disease, TPMG

What Would You Tell Skeptics About the Value of this Retreat?

“The value of a pause and moment to reflect cannot be understated.”

“The retreat made it easy to forget the time of day, first time in a long time.”

“Come with an open mind and be surprised.”

“Be open. It’s about the journey.”

“It’s important to take this time for yourself.”

“Looking inside oneself, sharing openly, and slowing down was wonderful.”

The retreat “is good for your soul.”

“Well worth it.”

“See how PAUSING and reflecting can make space for expanding personal growth.”

This retreat will give you a “sense of peace and satisfaction.”

“I really appreciated everything I learned! I felt both validated and empowered. I gleaned so many useful nuggets to take home. - Private Practice ENT MD