A Simple Recipe for A Life Better-Lived

Next January 2nd, when you look back on 2022, what will you want to be looking back on proudly?

What if you intentionally fill your year with things that nourish you and feel good.  

Things that feel luxurious, fun, and light. 

Things that are healthy and make you feel alive.

That is my plan. It is way more inspiring than achieving, accomplishing, and even “serving.”

I know from experience- “inspired,” “excited” and passion lead me to places and contributions beyond what I ever imagined possible.

You may think if you don't push to achieve and accomplish to get ahead, that you will be lazy and won’t get anything useful or productive done.  This is a fear that almost everyone I work with has.

What they and I have discovered is that from a place of inspiration, excitement, passion, kindness, and most especially fully nourished, you actually achieve new levels of purpose, productivity, presence, peace, health, joy, and connection. Without the burnout.

The recipe works because it feels good and it is good for you. No willpower required.

When you take this strategy micro the benefits are even better.

What will you be happy that you did today?

Each Sunday night, what will you be happy that you did over the weekend?

It might sound “easy” - but for most of us, it’s not. It’s out of our comfort zone. What we know is what we are supposed to do, and should do.

Even though it is simple,

just like mindfulness, it takes practice and working through discomfort.

It takes rewiring old neural patterns and unlearning old habits.

You must choose to un-become a person who focuses on productivity, to-do lists, and things to fix. You must choose to become someone who intentionally fills each day, each weekend, the year 2022 with things that are in alignment with your core values, that you are proud of, that feel good, and are healthy and luxurious, light, and fun.

I encourage you to try it. It is from this place that you will start to best live your one wild and precious life. Both your current self and your 80-year-old self will thank you. Those you live with and those you love will also thank you.

If you want to get started on this journey right away, reach out to set up a consult.

We all start by starting and getting help helps.


The Best Results Come When You Stop Pushing and Let Go of “Hard”


Living Luxuriously: A Great Plan for 2022