The Best Results Come When You Stop Pushing and Let Go of “Hard”


My first year as an entrepreneur involved a lot of “push”, “massive action, “ and uncomfortable decision-making. I relied heavily on my old physician patterning and the thought that I could do hard things. The year had a lot of “discomfort as the price of growth.” It was a metamorphosis of the messy breaking out of the cocoon kind.

This approach led to success - just like medical training. But it was not in alignment for me. It wasn’t my highest self and it did not lead me to make my greatest contributions.

Year two of my journey as an entrepreneur has been a year filled with growth and transformation of a much different kind. One without the push and without the “hard.”

Year two was a journey of discovering true alignment and trusting myself. Unbecoming who I was not to become more of who I am.

It has been a softer, more buoyant, beauty-filled, and authentic journey.

One of truly listening and trusting my inner wisdom.

No longer ignoring what my mind, body, and spirit are telling me for the sake of pushing through and doing more.

This year I have begun to truly let go of my deeply rooted old patterns as a Type A high-achiever.

I have begun to follow my gut and act from inspiration and intuition.

I have rested and paused when needed, course-corrected when I began to drift out of alignment, and moved forward swiftly when ignited by passion and what felt “right".

The results have been exciting.

From inspiration, heart-centeredness, and inner knowing, I have been able to help, heal, and support others in much more expansive ways.

Walking my authentic path as an entrepreneur was not an easy journey. Learning to show up in a mindful, aligned, and present way has been bumpy, raw, and AMAZING. It has been an incredible gift for me and everyone I work with.

No matter your current path, what might happen for you, if you stepped out of pushing and focusing on the hard and overcoming the uncomfortable?

What might become possible, if you step into inspiration, inner knowing, and trust?


Commit to a Year of Truly Living


A Simple Recipe for A Life Better-Lived