Commit to a Year of Truly Living


This year I am committing to both truly living and letting it be easy.

For me, this involves nature, health, laughter, movement, and fun.

Presence and joy.

Living consciously.

With passion and elevated energy.

Choosing to be awake and not numb or on autopilot.

Noticing what my body needs and doing more of that.

Enjoying, creating, and sharing more love.

Connecting, and spending more time in community with others- outside if necessary.

Would you like to join me?

If this is in alignment for me- it can be easy.

Even then it won’t all be fabulous.

Truly living involves feeling negative emotions and doing new and often uncomfortable things. Pain, disappointment, sadness, anger, fear, and doubt will also be part of my journey.

But if we “let it be easy,” these negative emotions will not “cost extra.” We can all opt to mindfully release the struggle about their presence and let them move through with more ease.

Excited for our journey and I hope to meet many of you along the way- at a retreat, for coaching, at zoom yoga, or

for those of you I am lucky enough to have the opportunity to share close proximity with - for a beach walk, a hike, a morning at the farmers market, or even for coffee.


Make Yourself Happy to Get Things Done


The Best Results Come When You Stop Pushing and Let Go of “Hard”