Living Luxuriously: A Great Plan for 2022

My plan for 2022 is to live luxuriously.

This quest started with a commitment to have "luxurious lunches" - meaning taking 20 minutes to eat healthy organic food in the sunshine and fresh air.

It has evolved into a 2022 life “intention.”

What I discovered is that when I choose what feels luxurious, I make great decisions.

Aligned and inspired decisions that help me show up as the most vibrant authentic version of myself.

“Luxurious” might invoke indulgence to some. For me, it's my zone of flow.

It is simple. It’s efficient. It’s productive.

It's minimalist. It's healthy.

It’s elegant and enjoyable.

It involves sensuous pleasure and is extremely comfortable.

It is rich in love.

It's aligned, fun, free, and joyful.

It’s easeful and trusting.

It is transcendent.

The antonyms of luxurious are barren, common, destitute, insignificant, modest, economical, or inferior. More evidence I am on the right track— I definitely don't want these.

I have come to realize recently that luxurious is my personal zone of genius.

When I choose live luxuriously, I shine my brightest light.

Whether it is coffee in bed for a few extra minutes, a healthy farmers' market salad and some sunshine and fresh air for lunch, a walk on the beach, teaching extra yoga, or creating an awesome new retreat or incredible innovative coaching program,

a luxurious mindset guides me well.

Choosing “luxurious” inspires me to create, help, contribute, accomplish and communicate in optimal ways.

I operate at my highest frequency and show up as my most favorite version of myself when I ask “what would luxurious do?”

When I ask this question is when I make the most impactful contributions to making the world a better place.

Rather than working hard, achieving, pushing, accomplishing, and doing hard in 2022, what might happen if you settled into your flow state, your personal zone of genius whatever that is.

Take some time to notice what it is. That in and of itself is luxurious.

It's taken me a few years to get to the possibility of living this way.

Would you like to join me?


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