Better Than Marriage Counseling


"One coaching session with you was more valuable than 4 sessions of marriage counseling."   

This email made me truly, deeply happy.

I personally can't recommend coaching enough if enjoying your marriage more is something you want to experience in 2022.  When you struggle in your intimate relationships, the sturggle colors everything else in your life -  in a not-good way.  

Those who are smart and successful often struggle more than others with intimate relationships.  How we were taught to think in professional training serves us well in that setting, but it does not help us find contentment, peace, and connection in the rest of our lives, especially in our relationships.

Coaching is magic for helping us find contentment, peace, and connection again.

It has helped me tremendously as well as so many people I work with. When clients are reflecting on the last year the majority of them share how much better all their relationships are- more fun, easeful, and connected. This is true even for those who come to coaching for career struggles.

“When my husband wanted a separation, I did individual coaching with Jessie Mahoney and now my marriage is better than it has been in years. I can’t recommend her enough!!!”

Why does it help so much?

Loving relationships take presence, kindness, compassion, curiosity and love.   Mindfulness and coaching help you learn to show up this way -  loving, aligned, and non-contractual. Mindful relationship coaching is not obligation-based or need-based. It is love-based and want-based. And the loves and wants include loves and wants for yourself and your own life.

You learn to change yourself in ways that make things better for you.   You learn to stop being the unhappy, lonely partner who shows up angry, resentful, and reactive. You learn to see and lovingly let go of your habitual unhelpful patterns.

When you feel better and are less miserable, there is space to breathe. There is a different energy. Acceptance, peace, and connection grow. Everyone shows up differently. It is much easier to make empowered, grounded, and loving choices.

What could happen if you made 2022 the year your marriage stops being a struggle? Life will be so much better.

Join me for 1:1 private coaching to get started right away. And follow it up with Mindful Love - my small group coaching intensive that will be offered again in February & March 2022.


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