When Boundaries No Longer Feel Needed

As a conflict-avoidant person, even the word “boundaries” evokes tension.

A tug of war.

Lines in the sand.

My wants vs yours.

Rejection, disappointment, and …

I have discovered a place where both these unpleasant feelings and “boundaries” no longer feel needed.

I offer it to you with the hope it may change your life for the better too.

When I show up as a "lighthouse" and/or as a "sacred light"- boundaries are no longer needed.

When I act from alignment, authenticity, and inner-knowing the energy I send out is different.

Decisions and my path are more clear.

Not the details but what’s a yes and a no.

People pleasing and acting in ways to avoid possible rejection becomes obvious to me and too uncomfortable to continue.

You can learn to -

Be the light.

Act from inner knowing and alignment.

Show up whole.

With love for yourself and for others.

Treat yourself how you want others to treat you AND how you want them to treat themselves.

It isnt just an auto switch - it takes practice and learning. Or at least it did for me…

It is what I help others do now as a coach.

Because less pain and struggle and conflict and tension is better.

For you and everyone else.

A harmonious and peaceful world is better for all.

Our children, our spouses, our colleagues - everyone we touch- benefits when we show up calm, grounded loving, and clear.

Shining our sacred lights.

The medicine woman’s prayer speaks to me - as my calling and journey now-

I will not rescue you. For you are not powerless.

I will not fix you. For you are not broken.

I will not heal you. For I see you in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light.

My work is to walk alongside you through the darkness and confusion, help you feel whole again, find your light and shine it brightly. Consistently and sacredly.


Better Than Marriage Counseling


The Magic of Letting Go