The Magic of Letting Go

Letting go leads to lightness, calm, and peace. It creates space to become who and what you want to be.

As we enter 2022, it’s a great time to create a potential space, a void, or an opening.

In the space is the magic.

“Often we think holding on makes us strong but sometimes letting go allows our most radiant and empowered self to emerge.”

“If you want to fly in the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward you need to let go of the past that drags you down.”

What might you want to let go of?

  • The idea that things need to be hard to be worthwhile.

  • Stories you tell yourself about events of the past that don’t serve you

  • Unnecessary drama

  • Resentment about unmet expectations of others

  • “Problems” to be fixed

  • Self-judgment

  • Shoulds, have to’s, and need to’s

  • Stuff and clutter

What else is no longer needed, weighing you down, keeping you from “flying,” and becoming your most radiant and empowered self?

Take some time to notice it and choose to let it go.

Magic, flying, and radiance are on the other side.

If you want help with letting go, reach out for coaching. It makes the journey much more efficient and easeful.


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