Why We Trim Trees

Tree trimming makes space.

Allows light to shine through.

Decreases heaviness.

Sets a tree up well for growth, blooming, and thriving

and to incur less damage during storms.

We trim trees in the winter on purpose. To set them up for success for the rest of the year.

What do you want to trim this winter to set yourself up for success?

Would you like to make space?

Allow more light to shine through?

Feel lighter?

See the view?

What “trimming” would set you up well for growth, blooming, and thriving this spring and summer?

What trimming would prepare you well to incur less damage in inevitable future storms?

Trimming recommendations from an expert.

Trim mindfully

Approach it with intention

Clear out tangly problematic branches (unhelpful habits):

  • Compulsive apologizing

  • Downgrading compliments

  • Deflecting appreciation

  • Indulging in “I don’t Know”

  • Indguling in blame, shame, and guilt

  • Feeling like a victim

How amazing could you look and feel in springtime if you trimmed your branches (brain) this winter?

Need help? This is what I help with.


The Magic of Letting Go


It IS About You