Denial Creates Abundance



In master coach training, they “deny” a lot of proposals. These are things you work really hard on. You are invested and attached.

At first, it felt bad, negative, and frustrating. My initial reaction was to interpret “denied” as a failure and feel shame at having done it wrong, yet again. I found myself responding with old habits - confused, resistant, irritated, and wanting to fix it and change it.

When I paused and was present and listened to my own advice - something cool happened. When I breathed deeply and relaxed in amazing things began to happen - “of course.”

I began to be able to show up curious with my “hands wide open” - something I teach in bith coaching and yoga. When I stopped being graspy,defensive and resistant, I was able to see, find, and actually see and enjoy the abundance in denial.

“Denied” necessitated creativity.

When I chose to respond to “denied” with an open heart and an open mind I discovered new even better ideas. “Denied” opened doors, windows and my mind.

Learning to see denial as abundance through this process has been a HUGE gift.

Sharing the idea with you too knowing that hearing it is one thing and practicing it is another. That’s what coaching is for… thankfully master coach training includes a lot of that too.

How can “denial” lack, or scarcity lead to abundance for you?

How can a door that feels closed shut, actually be an opening?

If you are wanting more abundance and or to open some doors and windows in your life, reach out for coaching.

Amazing things can happen.

Stay tuned to learn what my final approved project is... its why new blog posts have been sparse here recently.

In the spirit of abundance - there are almost 500 on my webpage to enjoy. And there are some real gems if you haven’t explored the old ones in a while


Drop the Cape


Change Everything Without Actually Changing Anything