Stop Prefacing Yourself


I have recently realized that I have spent a lot of time in my life “prefacing” myself.

In the exam room as a doctor with the door closed, I owned my spot as a wise expert. No prefacing.

But outside the pediatric exam room doors, I preface myself.

I was “just” a pediatrician.

I sit in the back of the classroom. I never thought I belonged in the front.

I deflect compliments and praise.

I rarely own my successes.

I preface the wisdom I share by adding how I am still learning.

I hide pioneering and often herculean effort.

I habitually and expertly undermine accomplishments.

I minimize and/or don’t share wins…sometimes even with loved ones.

Sharing because I know many of you reading this are like me.

You work hard to change the world and bring light to others and you then minimize yourself.

I have always thought and said that under the radar was better.

Because that’s where I thought I belonged.

Only recently have I begun to dip a toe into the spotlight.

It’s been a deliberate, intentional, and uncomfortable choice to stop prefacing myself.

To stop attending to why I don't belong and instead notice how and why I do.

To notice with intention why I am qualified, usually overqualified.

To stop prefacing.

When you stop focusing on and arguing for your limitations and perceived inadequacies, their impact fades away.

It’s then that you make your fullest impact.


Do More of What You Do Well


Hope is a Beacon of Light