Algorithms Work

Pausing to choose words is a powerful practice.

One of my favorite practices.

Choosing words is a way of directing your human GPS with words.

It is setting an intention to reach new heights of alignment.

Without direction, who knows where you will end up

Choosing words creates an algorithm. And algorithms work.

"You unfollow accounts that make you feel unworthy, inferior and you follow those which show you the real, the raw, and gloriously ruffled. In doing so, the gods of the social floods you with other like-minded sources, until you are literally seeing a whole new newsfeed that feeds your soul.

Life is like that too. Same process.

Unfollow the things that which bring you down, follow the stuff that brings you up and Mother Universe will usher in all that you need to flourish and grow and reach your potential. Simple."

- Donna Ashworth

Words shift energy, create clarity and focus, streamline, supercharge, and open up new avenues of possibility.

2020: believe, bloom and beauty.

2021, abundant, grounded, love and proud.

2022 Luxurious, light, truly living, and trust.

What's happened in my life over the last 3 years = proof of concept.

2023 words take time to select. The process changes your life.

We test them out. Try them on.

Spend time asking who we want to be and how do we want to feel in a year.

Find clarity and connection to our future selves.

Connect to hopes, possibilities, and dreams.

Well-chosen words can lead you to own an aligned life you truly “want” to be living.


Transformation Begins with “Allowing.”


Feel Like a Door is Opening