Feel Like a Door is Opening


 "I feel like a door is opening and I can't wait to see what's on the other side."


I love that I get to help people learn how to think and feel like this.

It's possible to feel like this, even if you are an ER doc, 

in the midst of a pandemic, 

with 3 kids 

and challenging relationships.

Even if you haven't found a life partner yet,

or you can't imagine continuing on with life the way it is right now,

it's possible to look at your situation from "a 180-degree different point of view" 

and feel "calmer, more content, and get unstuck."

I didn't believe it was possible when I was feeling overwhelmed.  

And was weighed down by my husband's struggles and having 3 teenagers, managing a busy pediatric practice, and being a physician leader.

Coaching helped me let go of struggling with all the “issues” in my mind so they also became not an issue.  

Exactly as described by my client above.

On the "other side of the door" for me was peace, connection, and freedom. 

Feeling alive, being in the moment, and enjoying the moments.

Even before I had actually changed anything.

Imagine if you could be present for your loved ones.  

Feel like life is a journey to be experienced and enjoyed and lived.  

Rather than seeing it as a series of projects and problems to solve and things to make happen.

It won't all be great even then.

Because life will still be good and bad.  

And there will still be hard and sad.

That is full-spectrum living.

What will be different is that you will have spent much more of your time and energy,

noticing and experiencing and being present for the good parts. 

And you will constantly be creating even more good parts.


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