Be the Heroine of Your Own Life

Three years ago, I was a different person in a different world.

I was at the start of a sabbatical, 20 years into a career, busy achieving all the things I “should have” wanted to do.

And rocking them. Yet still feeling nagging discontent.


I had already undergone a recent massive personal transformation.

I was a newly certified life coach.

I was newly 50 years old.

I was a newly certified yoga teacher.

I had lost 40 pounds.


Little did I know that it was just the beginning.

Not because of the goals I have achieved but because of who I have become in the process.

Sometimes life takes you on a different path than you expect and you end up exactly where you need to go anyway.


Three years ago gave myself permission to bloom.

And to go without the floaties.

To be afraid and do it anyway.


On Maya Angelou’s recommendation- “I decided to stop trying to feel normal and discover how amazing I can be”

I decided to create something beautiful and visionary.

I decided to be “the heroine of my life” as Nora Ephron suggests.

And to help others do the same.


I stepped into the role of being the solution for others that I had so desperately needed but couldn't find when I was struggling underneath.

What happened when I showed up as authentically me?

Beautiful and magical things.

So much impact. So many lives changed. Positive ripples into the world.


I share not to brag or instill any comparitis but to inspire.

What could happen for you?

How do you want to feel? 

What could happen if you gave yourself permission?

What will the world miss out on if you don't do what you are meant to?


I didn’t do it all on my own and it was not easy.

I gifted myself help and support.  

Whether it be a marriage issue, mental health struggles in someone you love, or discontent in your job, decide that it can be different now.

It’s often not a massive change in circumstances that are needed-- but a change in perspective.

That change in perspective changes everything.

What could change for you?  

If you want 2023 to be the beginning of something amazing, reach out. I can’t wait to see where you will be in 3 years.


Feel Like a Door is Opening


Handling Different Opinions with Grace