Allow Yourself to Shine and Encourage Others to do the Same.

This week, I taught a yoga class dedicated to, and in support of, one of my yoga teachers who has a recent diagnosis of advanced cancer.

The theme was allowing yourself to shine and encouraging others to do the same.

My teacher exemplified this in all of her classes. She showed up shining her light and helping others shine as well.

She encouraged her students to be at peace with themselves.

To not only be at peace with what they could do but to appreciate themselves exactly as they are, to nourish themselves, and to make accommodations when needed without judgment from a place of love and compassion.

She gave herself grace and compassion. She shared grace and compassion with her students. And encouraged you to have grace and compassion for yourself.

She was her best teammate and cheerleader. And yours. And she encouraged you to be your own best teammate and cheerleader.

She treated herself- and you- with kindness. She expected you to do the same.

She laughed at herself, and with herself, and encouraged you to do the same.

I aspire to follow her lead on this--both on and off the mat.


Choose to Feel Love Rather than Struggle


Are you tired of feeling like its Groundhog Day?