Choose to Feel Love Rather than Struggle

What if you chose to see and enjoy love anywhere and everywhere.

Noticed and were curious. And saw kindness, uniqueness, and good things.

Rather than things to be fixed and unmet expectations

Is this different than your usual outlook?

Could it be possible that you are "addicted to suffering and struggling?”

Or maybe you just notice the negative and what isn’t working much more so than the positive and what is working.

This may be a habit.

Well-honed over the years.

But not necessarily serving you.

When we notice problems and constantly work to improve and "fix",

we also constantly notice and pay attention to what's wrong.

It’s a mindset serves you well in medicine and in dangerous situations.

We do this at work and in our personal and family lives. And likely even in our intimate relationships.

We can't start to change this habit until we SEE it.

I have been working on mindfully shifting my attention for a while.

Coaching and mindfulness help you see patterns and shift them with intention.

It takes practice.

Start by focusing on what feels good and what is working.

What if you chose to focus on what is good?

Does it resonate that you might be “addicted to suffering”?

Or have a habit of noticing problems everywhere,

Noticing all that is, or could be wrong?

With yourself,

with others,

and life?

What if you replaced it with “Intentional Love”

“Life is an echo.

What you send out comes back.

What you sow you reap.

What you give you get

What you see in others exists in you.”

Why not radiate love?

As a loving gift to the world and yourself.

And choose to let go of suffering and struggling.

What would love do?


Love would not be “addicted to suffering.”

Love would

Fill yourself up with love.

Notice all that you love

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“Acknowledging the good that is already in your life in the foundation for abundance.”-Eckhart Tolle

When you find yourself flipping back to old habits.

Perhaps noticing your own or someone else's imperfections,

can you flip your thoughts to love?

I would be honored if you checked out the Mindful Healers Podcast episode on Mindful Love that was released this week.

And my Valentine's Day morning yoga class explored this exact topic.

It's on Youtube if you are able-bodied and inspired to explore this further, I would love to share it with you.




Allow Yourself to Shine and Encourage Others to do the Same.