An honor, a privilege, and a gift.

I recently shared what happened in my mind and my heart over the last year-

This was what happened on the inside….

What happened on the outside?

What do I actually do now?

I have heard that some of you want to know more...

I help people transform themselves as I did.

I guide mindful metamorphoses.

I help caterpillars become butterflies.

I help others break out of their cocoons.

Let go of what doesn't serve them.

Find joy and connection again.

And reconnect with their purpose.

I do this at Pause & Presence Coaching.

I primarily coach women who are successful on the surface yet struggling underneath.

Through mindful coaching, I help them declutter their minds, find peace, and connect better with those they love so they can start living their "one wild and precious life."

I especially love helping women with challenging marital relationships and those who feel stuck in their life or career.

I also coach fellows at Stanford and in residency programs. My work with physicians in training is kind of like being a pediatrician. Helping them fix what's not working and get off to a great start in their careers.

If you are anxious, frustrated, feeling like you are off track, burnt out, stretched thin, overwhelmed, or that you “should” be in a different place in your life, you are not alone.

If you are not showing up for your family and your marriage in the way that you want to, you are not alone.

If you aren’t sure where to go from here but want to be somewhere else, you are not alone.

Mindful coaching helps.

So does mindful yoga.

Don’t keep struggling unnecessarily.

Helping people show up as the best version of themselves is an honor, a privilege, and a gift.

Reach out or go to my website.

1:1 coaching, the Mindful Love, and Mindful Healers Programs are waiting for you.

If you need guidance on the best path forward for your own transformation — set up a time to chat with me.

“There is calm within you wherever you are, no matter the storm clouds around, there is always blue sky ahead.”

May you all be well.


How to Find Calm and Presence


"When it's not an issue, it's not an issue."