An Intentional Adventure

I started Master Coach Training this week.

3 years after doing my initial coach training,

I am choosing to spend the next 6 months growing my coaching skills further,

in community with 39 incredible humans committed to doing the same.

Starting this new journey was an intentional decision.

I love continuing to grow and evolve as a human, coach, leader, friend, colleague, mother, and wife is who I am.

Coaching changed my life and the ripple effects of it continue and continue in my work every day.

When I blend coaching with wisdom and learnings from 25 years as a physician,

and my 52 years of life,

it’s humbling and exciting to see what transpires.

At the physician well-being think tank, I attended last weekend - the question was asked -

“In 60 seconds what do you think is the one solution to a more well world?”

I have been pondering answers such as connection, mindfulness, kindness, and love.

After this week, the answer feels clear

- mindful coaching is the solution.

Mindful Coaching is what helps me and everyone else show up with intention.

Thoughtfully and intentionally managed minds are how we find, create and enjoy connection, love, kindness, peace, and mindfulness.

A well-coached mind helps us make clear, efficient, heart-centered, and aligned decisions.

And pay attention to what matters most.

Investing in taking agency over the workings of your brain as opposed to filling it with more “knowledge” and facts has changed everything.

My brain and I are ready for more of these tools and strategies.

Life is better the more of them I discover and implement.

At almost 53 years old, it's a bit surreal to sign up for more "school.”

Lots of homework, assignments, projects, and deadlines await.

I am intentionally beginning the journey grounded in my 2023 intentional words luxurious, light, truly living, and trust.

It's luxurious to get to learn and grow and share my learnings with those I coach, teach, and care for.

I am choosing to engage and move forward lightly- with curiosity, fun, and excitement.

I have no doubt I will feel truly alive, stressed, vulnerable, and tested. I hear it's the best and the worst experience — as most intense rapid growth and learning experiences are.

And trust- I am choosing to trust - the process, my decision to apply, and to invest in myself.

Ultimately I am trusting my lifelong commitment to choose to do what I can to make the world a more calm, healthy, loving, and “well” place for all.

Looking forward to seeing who I become through the process. Excited to share the transformative experiences and tools I learn along the way.


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