What Would Authenticity Do?

A powerful question when you are stuck, making a “hard decision” or frustrated.

“What would authenticity do?” promotes honesty.

It leads you to decisions and actions that are aligned.

The concept of acting from a place of “Authenticity” has come up many times in coaching this week.

Authenticity is a word I love to bring into this work.

So far it hasn’t steered me, or my clients, wrong.

Authenticity allows you and guides you to act from love.

Love for yourself and others.

Tapping into authenticity helps you make clear decisions in muddy situations.

Work, relationships, and life.

Authenticity keeps you out of scarcity, compare and despair, and the shoulds.

Ask yourself what would authenticity do right now?

Then pause and be present.

And listen.

Without judgment.

Authenticity doesn’t sacrifice ourselves.

It doesn’t people please.

It doesn’t run away from things that are hard.

Authenticity helps you make “good” decisions even if they are hard.

Authenticity helps you change, transition, and pivot when you need/want to.

Authenticity helps you transition well.

When you tap into what feels authentic you show up mindfully and intentionally.

Retreats are one of the best tools to help you discover what is truly authentic for you. Slowing down enough to listen. Pausing and being present, listening and discovering what is you.

But you don’t have to be on a mountain top with a view to find authenticity.

It’s easier there because the container and space are sacred. And you are surrounded by natural beauty to bathe your nervous system with calm and dopamine rather than cortisol and distraction.

It’s also possible at home, however. On zoom with a wise and skilled coach by your side.

It’s also possible on a yoga mat. With a heart-centered, loving, and grounded teacher guiding you.

Knowing what’s authentic and acting upon it takes an open and relaxed mind and heart.

This can be discovered and enjoyed anywhere if you set an intention and attend to it.


An Intentional Adventure


Beauty is Healing