Beauty is Healing

Beauty is one of the most powerful components of healing

This is why creating beauty is a major focus of my work. It is a key component of my coaching, my yoga, and my retreats.

Noticing, creating, and celebrating inner and outer beauty is a part of wellness.

Enjoying the earth's beauty and bounty and experiencing and living the beauty in loving and connected relationships are both integral to a well-lived life.

Creating, growing, sharing, and appreciating beauty is a deep passion of mine.

Beauty is not fluff.

It has immutable value.

It heals.

“If you notice beauty you are connected to your soul and then you are on the path.”- said by the creator of Maestro Games - a social purpose company designed to help heal traumatized first responders with music and virtual reality.

Space, color, light and texture, nature, and human connection have all been key pieces of my own healing and my work - retreats, coaching, and yoga.

Mindful coaching is a form of beauty- the coaching process and the transformations that result.

Mindful Yoga and the relief experienced and inner peace calm and spaciousness that result are beautiful.

Beauty is required for healing and healing creates beauty.


What Would Authenticity Do?


What’s Actually Expensive