What’s Actually Expensive
With inflation, everything feels expensive right now.
Gas, food, mortgage interest, vacations, getting help.
Coaching and retreats also feel expensive
- at first glance.
What is really expensive?
Holding on to painful thoughts
Practicing unhelpful habits that cause you harm,
Staying stuck, feeling heavy
Not living a happy, healthy, and present life.
Arguments with loved ones are “expensive.”
Resentment, regret, and grudges are expensive.
Choosing to be a victim and self-doubt have tremendous costs.
Worrying about things out of your control
Trying to control things that are out of your control
Trying to fix things that aren’t yours to fix
Comparing and despairing
Acting out of self-doubt, fear of missing out (FOMO),
and catastrophizing.
Are all very expensive.
Unhealthy relationships with loved ones and colleagues are also very expensive.
Parenting from a place of fear and doubt is also.
As is ruminating and feeling disconnected, discontent, and angsty.
Lack of peace, anxiety, burnout, confusion, and indecision are emotionally very costly.
Poor sleep
Unhealthy eating
Doom scrolling
Cost us all a lot in terms.
Buffering and consuming to feel better
Shopping, eating chocolate, ice cream, and cake, and/or drinking alcohol to numb intense feelings
Also expensive.
Living out of alignment is very expensive.
Parenting from a place of fear and doubt,
choosing “should want” rather than actual want. Once again - expensive.
Coaching - 1:1 or on a retreat- is not expensive by comparison. In my experience, it turns out to be cheap.
By decreasing and eliminating many, many of these hidden costs.
Your brain and body are your most important asset.
Managing my mind and learning to take care of and nourish my mind, body, and spirit “well” were the best investment I have ever made.