Appreciating What’s Blooming

The magnolias are in bloom again.

Appreciating them blooming every January is a tradition for me.

It's also an example of nature being both healing and inspiring.

Timely that week’s Mindful Healers Podcast is on just this topic.

Witnessing and enjoying the magnolia bloom is a mindful, grounding exercise I partake in every January.

It reminds me to notice the things I can rely on,

the predictability of life's seasons,

and the magic and beauty of our world.

Beautiful and blooming even in January. Vibrant and awe-inspiring in spite of it all.

What else is unexpectedly “blooming” right now?

What else is reliably grounding, reliably beautiful, reliably “good”?

Take a moment to notice, appreciate, soak in those things and enjoy them.

Coaching and yoga help me both to notice and appreciate all that is blooming

They also help you to continue to bloom from within.

I would love to have you join me on your own journey of blooming. It's wonderful, unexpected, and magical.

Wondering how to get started: sign up for my blog, join me for zoom yoga, set up a time to talk about 1:1 coaching, join a mindful community, sign up for an in-person retreat. You can find out about all of these on my website.


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