The Magic of Caring for Yourself

I had a medical procedure this week that I was nervous about.

I dislike being a patient after many medical experiences not being as easy as they should have been over the years. It is also a challenge to be a patient as a physician.

Today I handled the situation totally differently than I would have in the past. And it was so much better.

Unlike the days of old- I did not schedule it on my lunch break. I did not sneak it in between coaching clients. I wasn’t in a hurry to pick anyone up. I didn’t do chores on the way there or on the way home. This is how I used to roll.

I have too many ridiculous stories about fitting my own care into the cracks and assuming it was fine. I have gotten IV antibiotics during lunch on more than one occasion so as not to inconvenience or reschedule patients. I have even arranged to check myself into the hospital for an urgent surgery after clinic…

In retrospect - I should not have done any of this. It didn’t make me a better or more committed doctor for my patients and it certainly wasn’t good for me.

Yesterday I actually took care of myself. It was unfamiliar and lovely.

I even intentionally rescheduled my appointment from earlier in the week so I could do it on a day where I could do it “well” - when I felt more calm and grounded.

I wish this experience for all of you too.

You deserve it and it’s possible.

I wish it for patients too. Health and healthcare could literally be transformed if slowing down, nourishing ourselves, and showing up unrushed and mindfully was the norm.

Yesterday started my day with coffee and yoga. I followed this by a mindful walk on the beach - no AirPods or podcasts. Just fresh air, deep breaths, movement, and relaxation. I asked my husband to drive me and keep me company. It wasn’t “required” but It was luxurious to have a driver and someone to chat with. And then - since I knew he couldn’t go in with me- I asked if he would go to trader joes 2 blocks away and get some tulips while he waited for me.

There are no prizes for the most suffering.

And there are so many gifts when you choose to take good care of yourself.


Appreciating What’s Blooming


Stop Making Yourself Miserable