Stop Making Yourself Miserable


"We can make ourselves miserable or we can make ourselves strong.

The amount of work is the same."

- Pema Chodron

It’s a choice.

We each get to choose how we want to show up for today and all that is happening in the world exactly as it is unfolding.

We can choose to be miserable, struggle, and engage in comparative suffering. We can choose to focus on the hard, the disappointments, and the losses. Or we can choose acceptance, hope, light, love, connection, and even fun.


Choosing the latter doesn’t mean we are a lesser person or without compassion or empathy.

It’s a choice to embrace life exactly as it is - with all its imperfections.

It’s a choice to stop resisting and struggling and instead optimize your energy and your strength.

This is not toxic positivity, it is empowerment, agency, and ownership of our own life experience.

It’s not necessarily the familiar path, but it’s definitely a better path.

One I highly recommend.


The Magic of Caring for Yourself


Be a Dreamer Instead of a Planner