Be a Dreamer Instead of a Planner

Another life coaching lesson exemplified by my son.

When he is quiet and you ask what he is doing?- "dreaming" or thinking will be his answer. Since he was little he has been a dreamer. And he has always believed his dreams can and will happen.

The idea of being a dreamer and not a planner initially came up in a coaching session with a client. She spends most of her time planning and very little time connecting with her dreams.

She, like many of us, and me until recently, is an expert planner and a poor dreamer.

Hanging out with a dreamer makes you realize that there is no need to hold yourself back.

Dreamers believe fully in their dreams.

They don't let doubts or planning get in the way.

What if you took time each day to dream rather than plan?

What if you then believed your dreams were 100 percent possible?

My dreamer child is onto something. I have tried it out over the last few years with the support of coaching and a well-managed mind. It is fun and productive.

Dreaming is how I ended up in Hawaii in January on a 1:1 trip with this son.

It's how I ended up teaching yoga and coaching retreats in beautiful locations.

It's how I ended up with 2 full Ongoing Presence group coaching programs.

It's how I ended up with a robust and almost full 1:1 coaching practice.

It's why I now get to support others who are successful on the surface yet struggling underneath in exactly the ways that actually help them feel better.

It was a dream of mine for years to build a business where I could use my physician wellness experience, wisdom, and skills in optimal and efficient ways.

It was a dream of mine to share mindfulness, wellness, coaching, yoga, parenting, and relationship tools to help others start living and loving better.

It was a dream of mine to help others start living their own dreams.

When I allowed myself to pivot from planning to dreaming all these dreams started coming true.

Was the pivot easy- nope... but it was worth it.


Stop Making Yourself Miserable


Honoring Past Januarys