Are You Done with Token Wellness Offerings?
Are you tired of well-being surveys and scores?
Are you “done” with watching videos, and signing up for “programs” and talks that you hope will help but ultimately don’t?
Are you tired of branded trinkets, goody bags, sweatshirts, water bottles, and conferences and lectures in large windowless ballrooms?
True wellness does not come through a checklist, a lecture, a meal, or a sweatshirt.
It comes from nourishing yourself fully, slowing down, and learning to listen.
It comes from quieting the snow globe and becoming clear, calm, and grounded.
It comes from being able to stop reacting to medicine as it is today, and instead moving forward from a place of alignment and intention.
How do you do this?
Coaching, mindfulness, community, connection, and full mind, body, spirit, and soul nourishment.
When you are not depleted and your nervous system is not in fight or flight, it's easier to see and easier to change.
It’s possible to learn and implement effective tools and strategies when you feel safe calm and grounded.
You cannot change what you cannot see.
To find true wellness, you have to slow down enough to listen and see.
That’s when you notice and own your unhelpful thought patterns and old habits.
That’s when you can consider whether you want to make changes.
True wellness comes from feeling and being empowered. It comes from knowing what works for you.
And from valuing and trusting yourself.
And then permitting yourself to act accordingly.
If you are tired of living your life, and practicing medicine, in ways that aren’t healthy or sustainable for you, there are solutions.
They likely don’t look like what you have tried already.
If you are stuck or unwell, why not try something new?
If you haven’t tried 1:1 or small group coaching or intimate immersive experiential wellness retreats, they are different. And magical in their impact.
They change lives in noticeable and sustainable ways.
They are THE interventions, that in my 20 years of wellness leadership experience, lead to resets and meaningful change.
You don’t have to be burnt out or “broken” to benefit greatly.
Everyone needs effective coping skills to perform at their highest level and live their best life.
Mindfulness, coaching, and yoga are essential tools for this.
Wellness is experiential.
Wellness can and should be done, in a way that is in and of itself well.
Wellness isn’t just social events, yoga, or community building.
Effective wellness programming can and should be done in healing locations with amazing interesting people from all over the country.
Without a ballroom or conference room anywhere nearby.
Effective wellness interventions can also be done from home, and even from bed.
They can be a way to build new communities and make new connections.
They can be done in groups and spaces where you feel like you belong.
You can cry and laugh and smile and breathe deeply while you learn and grow and begin to feel “Well” again.
When CME and wellness are shared in a way that is “well” the impact of the learning is far greater than token checklist wellness..
This is why I do my retreats and coaching in the way that I do.