Be A Lighthouse Instead of a Zodiac Raft

We have had historic and dangerous surf in California this week.

Zodiac rafts are out amidst the big waves to both photograph the fun and to rescue and assist.

They zip around amidst the rocks and the crashing waves many stories high.

It looks exhilarating, terrifying, exhausting. Filled with cortisol release and stress.

The lighthouses are nearby— peacefully shining their light on the show. Lighting up the rocks.

Which is the role you play in your family, your practice, or your institution- zodiac or lighthouse?

Which is the role you would like to play?

There is probably a role for both.

When is it worth the energy to be the Zodiac?

When is it better to be the lighthouse?


Freedom Doesn’t Come from Investing in Real Estate or a Side Gig


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