
The possibility of feeling “buoyant” came up in my work with a client this week. She wanted to feel calm, confident, and BUOYANT.

It took a bit of exploration to find “buoyant” as the feeling she desired. But when found this word has so MUCH potential!

I have chosen to use it several times as a tool in the past few days --when unexpected “glitches” have arisen.

Buoyant is spacious, light,


Things that are buoyant-- float, no matter the seas.

They bob in the water.

They are free.

They are a little playful.

Buoyancy relies on inner strength,

calm, confidence, and spaciousness.

When you're pushed down, you bounce back.

When the seas are rough, you bob or toss and turn but you don't sink.

Buoyant objects and people don't have bricks weighing them down.

They have let heavy things go.

They are balanced and in alignment

They are not forced or pushed.

They are responsive and not reactive.

Buoyancy is a MINDSET and a neurological state.

Buoyancy in all areas of your life can be CREATED by practicing mindfulness,

practicing yoga,

and can become a long-term sustainable shift through mindful coaching.

If you want a life that feels spacious, light, and easeful, join me on this journey.

Give yourself the loving gift of a more calm and easeful nervous system for Valentine’s Day. Your loved ones will thank you. I have a few spots open for 1:1 private coaching. If this appeals, reach out to set up a time to chat.

If you aren't ready yet to go all on in a new you yet, start by checking out my yoga class from yesterday called Exploring Buoyancy on YouTube.

I wish you all much buoyancy in the week ahead!


Are you tired of feeling like its Groundhog Day?


Love is Presence