Choose Your Life

What could happen if you CHOSE to live the exact life you are living exactly as it is right now?

I often write about accepting things. I offer the possibility of accepting a person or circumstance without having to “like” it/them.

When you drop your resistance to reality - it eases your journey.

This approach adds “space” to breathe and think.

It lessens anger and frustration and saves energy so you can be part of the solution.

Sometimes I offer a perspective shift to try to notice how things are happening “for you” instead of “to you.”

How are your circumstances teaching you, serving you, growing you?

This mindful “outlook” adds feelings of curiosity and openness.

It creates more energy and space for creating solutions.

The concept of adding in the option of choice - “choosing your life exactly as it is” is a whole other level. With significant added benefits.

See if you can give it a try.


Hope and Wisdom


Drop the Cape