Hope and Wisdom

“I can show up with presence, lead by example and not let “IT” define how I live my life.”

This beautiful wisdom was shared in a group coaching session last night by someone living with stage 4 cancer.

Whatever your personal “it” is,

showing up with presence,

leading by example,

and not letting “IT” define how you live your life,

is the gift of mindful coaching.

Agency, empowerment, grace, and compassion are exactly what mindfulness and coaching offer.

“It” might be your marriage, being a physician in a broken healthcare system, or having a spouse or child struggling with something. It might be a life-threatening illness in you or someone you love.

“It” might be being overweight, out of shape, general discontentment, and feeling unsure what your passion or purpose is.

How amazing would it be to liberate yourself from focusing on the past and the future and be in THE MOMENT?

What if you showed up for yourself, your loved ones leading by example?

What if you did not let whatever current struggles exist define your life?

This is why I do this work.

I am inspired by this client’s courage, bravery, and insight.

In her honor, I plan to live into this wisdom even better myself.

And to help even more of you learn to do this in your own lives.

Imagine a world where we all showed up with presence, led by example, and didn’t let our problems, struggles, and life’s inherent challenges, whatever our version is, define us.

Here to help.


Focus on What You Can Control


Choose Your Life