Focus on What You Can Control

Focusing your attention on what is in your control is life-changing.

So often when I ask the question- “What is in your control?” when I am coaching the response I get is “nothing.”

There is something in every situation that is in your control.

  • What you do

  • What you say

  • What you choose to think and feel about a situation.

These are in your control.

Focus on THESE. Choose them with intention.

Whether it’s cancer, teenagers, our job, medicine, a health issue, a husband, or a parent— make a long list of all the things that are in your control.

Whether its a big or little problem,

when you focus on what is in your control,

calm returns

feeling grounded returns,

and clarity about a path forward and potential solutions emerge.

Our default human response is to say “nothing is in our control.”

Our brain, without direction, chooses to focus on what is out of our control.

Both of these responses, feel bad.

Learn to manage your mind, bring back your agency, and empower yourself by focusing your attention on what matters.

How we direct our attention determines how we experience our lives.

It’s a learned skill and approach.

One worth the investment.

Experiencing control and seeing solutions and possibilities is a life better lived for sure.


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Hope and Wisdom