Discover A Whole New World

I created Pause and Presence 2 years ago to help people like me.

People who were successful on the surface yet struggle underneath.

People who wanted to find peace, enjoy their one wild and precious life and come alive again.

People who wanted to discover, create, and enjoy “a whole new world.”

Mindful coaching is the magic secret.

It heals the whole of you and helps you up-level your whole life and all your relationships.

It is doctoring in a different way.

It helps you “open your mind,” turn on a lightbulb,” let go of the unnecessary struggle, stop feeling “dis-ease,” find peace and come alive again.

It changes your experience of the world you live in.

“Everything is manageable.”

“Stress is almost nonexistent”


“Partnered with your spouse again”

“Clear priorities”

“Confident and centered,”

“Calm in the midst of chaos”

all become the possible and the norm.

My wish for you all on World Kindness Day is that you allow yourself to discover this whole new world.

It is energizing, fun, liberating, and KIND.


Trust Yourself and You Will Know How to Live


What Is Your Definition of Success?