Don’t Let Your Dreams Just Be Dreams

I check in with my dreams regularly now.

I make sure that I continue on the path where they don’t just remain dreams.

We often see and feel a conflict between dreams and responsibility.

We are taught that following your dreams is irresponsible, especially if you are a physician.

What if pursuing your dreams is responsible?

What will the world miss out on if your dreams stay just dreams?

Pursuing dreams is definitely not the easier path. But it is the path to a well-lived life.

If you don’t know how to get started and/or don’t believe your dreams are possible, start by adding “it is possible.”

And take the first step from there.

When “you don’t know how,” remember that no one knows “the how” before they start.

You only know “the how” when you get there.

Three years ago, I was living a totally different life. My life at that time was uncomfortably out of alignment.

Letting your dreams remain just dreams is also uncomfortable.

Pursuing dreams requires you to do things you have never done before

To stop being who you were and become someone new.

Without knowing how it will work out, simply trusting it will.

This also involves discomfort. But this discomfort gets you somewhere new.

Moving through discomfort and doing things we have never done before is how dreams became our lives.

A coach makes the journey less arduous and more efficient.

A coach helps you transition into living your dreams “well.”

What’s holding you back from not letting your dreams just be dreams?


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