What Is A Soulmate?


“We fall in love often by chance but we stay in love by choice."

Successful soulmate relationships don’t just happen. Like gardens, they grow best when tended.

Many people think that because my husband and I have been together since high school we are “soulmates.”

We are soulmates, but not in the way that most people think. A soulmate isn’t found, soulmates are created through living and loving.

A soulmate isn’t someone who completes you. It is someone who inspires you to complete yourself.

Love is the first ingredient for a soulmate- that’s the easy part.

Inspiring your loved ones to complete themselves is a chosen approach. As is letting them inspire you.

This is not “easy” until you learn how. And then it’s much easier than not doing it.

When life was throwing us curveball after curveball, mindful coaching taught me how to be an amazing soulmate to myself and my husband.

I learned to stop getting in my own way,

and to get out of his (and everyone else’s.)

The magic of this work continues to ripple into every nook and cranny of our lives.

Neurodiversity, mental and physician health struggles, career pivots, teenagers, and young adults are all noise when you have these tools to ground and guide you.

Delighted for the next part of our soul mate journey.

I would love to share these tools with any of you who want to become good soulmates too.


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