Life Is Hard And It Isn’t Fair


“Life is hard. And it isn’t fair. And it hurts like hell sometimes.

But if you focus on what is within your power to change for the better,

You can. You will”

Thinking of a few dear friends and clients who are living hard, unfair, and hurt right now.

Equanimity, mindfulness, and gratitude are unbeatable approaches to these life moments.

Calm takes much less energy than anxiety.

Accepting and allowing takes much less energy than resisting.

You don’t have to like what is.

You can still be angry.  

And you can stop resisting.

You can choose to struggle less.

Because it is better for you.

“When you stop struggling you float.” - Mark Nepo

It’s possible to worry less.

And feel less exhausted, drained, on edge, and disconnected.

It's possible to feel less angry, less frustrated, and less irritable and anxious.

You can choose this because it eases your journey.  

“When the dark clouds come, focus on what you love, right under your nose.”- Charley Mackesy


I have been known to think just like many of you, that it is possible for someone else but not for me.

This approach is possible for you too.

It just takes learning and practice.

Sending love and light to any of you experiencing the hard unfair and hurt right now.

If you want help easing the journey, reach out.


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