Mom Lessons


I became a mom 26 years ago as I was finishing my third year of medical school. I have learned a lot since then.

Some by trial and error, some as a pediatrician, and some from my own mom. When I really up-leveled my “mom game” though, was when I began practicing mindful and intentional parenting.

Parenting with Presence is an approach I developed by combining coaching strategies, yoga philosophy, and simple practical mindfulness tools.

Being an amazing mom takes pausing and being present.
It takes choosing love, trust, respect, and vulnerability.

It takes accepting uncertainty and NOT catastrophizing
It takes letting go of control of what’s not in your control
It takes not jumping in to fix things when they are not yours to fix.

It takes an abundance mindset rather than scarcity. It takes showing up and acting from love, not from fear.

It takes gratitude and humor.

Non striving, patience, acceptance, and curiosity.
Being an amazing mom takes a willingness to keep learning and growing, alongside your children.

These are all skills that can be practiced and improved upon.

What you practice grows.

When you pay attention, with mindful intention, to how you want to show up as a mom,

you are actually better at it.

You empower yourself and your children. And everyone wins.

As a gift to your children, no matter their age, learn to parent with presence, and mindful intention. My kids are young adults now and it is “the answer.”

If you want help learning how, I am here.

I didn’t just know these tools on my own. I worked with a coach and have been training as a coach for many years now Getting coached and learning to self-coach is the best investment I have made in myself as well as all the humans I love.


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